Core Dashboards

Health Toolkit (Elvanto)


The Toolkit Platform focusses on 5 real time health metrics:

  • Visitors
  • Integration
  • Service Attendance
  • Groups (including attendance)
  • Volunteering

The Toolkit is designed to help you explore rich data in your ChMS including attendance metrics in both services and groups.

The dashboards are broken into the 3 levels of health, strategic and pastoral.

You can navigate and filter across the whole Toolkit using these menu items:

Demographic Filter
Filter Locations
Filter In Graphs
Drop Down Menu

Health – all people

This is the main landing page in the toolkit and the beginning of your journey to focus on particular aspects of health and growth.

Health Gauges
Strategic Dashboards
Pastoral Dashboards
New People Only
Members Only

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Health – New People

This repeats the health dashboard but allows you to see the gauges for new people only. This is helpful to see how many are regular, starting to attend groups and serving.

New People Health Gauge
New People Health Gauge

Visitor Strategic

Use the visitor strategic dashboard to explore where and when new people came. Consider this your front door analysis.

Filter Time Period To Review
Where and when are new people coming?
How does this year compare to previous?
This will filter as you select other parts

Questions you might want to ask to create a richer narrative:

  • Why did these new people come? How many were unsolicited walk ins, how many came with friends?
  • Why are some months / years better than others?
  • What are the factors that make some locations/congregations more invitational/attractive?

Visitor Pastoral

Filter People Category
Click headings to sort

Table defaults to sorting by date added. Try also sorting by weeks attended to see in the sparklines how long ago people attended.

Integration Strategic

Use this page to examine the transition from newcomer to member.

Filter Time Period To Review
Filter Incoming People to include/exclude members
How does this year compare to previous?
This will filter as you select other parts
Where and how often are new people coming?
Where and when do people become members?

By comparing with the visitors page, use these questions you might want to ask to create a richer narrative:

  • What has been effective to help people become members?
  • Are there “blockages” at particular locations (high visitors, low membership)?

Pastoral actions – go to the pastoral dashboard to:

  • How are new members tracking?
  • Who should be encouraged to become a member?
  • Who needs follow up?

Integration Pastoral

Not Yet Members
New Members

Attendance Strategic

Note that this dashboard shows member data only.

Further this page is based on where people attend. Not their location listed in their profile. For the same page based on person’s listed location refer to dashboard (Attendance Strat – Loc) at the bottom of the dashboard set.

Filter By Service Name
What is the trend of members attending services?
Congregation Based Attendance Frequencies
This will filter as you select other parts
How often are people attending?
Overall stats

Attendance Pastoral

Members Not Attending Service
Service Attendance
Group Attendance
Click Name To See Elvanto Profile of Person

Group Strategic

Filter By Particular Groups
Total Group Members Reported
Location Based Attendance Frequency
Group Size and Attendance Dynamics
Group Members
Actual Group Members Attended
How long have group members been at your church?

Meeting in smaller groups are critical to people’s discipleship. Use this page to explore the attendance and health of your small groups.

Questions you might want to ask to create a richer narrative:

  • Which services have a healthy small group culture?
  • Are groups being added to each year?
  • Which small groups need to split (growth) or are poorly attended?

Group Pastoral

Group Category Filter
Click Link to Edit in Elvanto OR Click Row To Filter
Group Attendance Plots
Position Filter
Not In Group Filter

Volunteer Strategic

Use this page to explore how many people have marked as a volunteer in their profile. To consider actual serving loads and needs using the Serving Add-on.

Filter By Team and Positions
How many people in each congregation are available to serve?
Year by year analysis
This will filter as you select other parts
How many years have your volunteers been at church?
Adult Members

Questions you might want to ask to create a richer narrative:

  • How would you describe the culture of serving at each service?

Pastoral actions – go to the pastoral dashboard to:

  • Are certain volunteers overloaded?
  • Who might you consider asking to start serving?

Volunteer Pastoral

Current Volunteers
Members who aren’t serving
Serving Patterns
Total Positions

Data Quality

To get the most out of GHC tools (and your ChMS generally) it’s important to have complete and current data in key fields. The technical term for this is Data Quality which falls under the discipline of Data Integrity and Governance.

When new people are added to the ChMS their name and contact details are captured first. It’s often easy to leave it there and over time the job of catching up with other needed information can become overwhelming.

GHC tools rely heavily on 3 key fields being complete and current in People profiles :

  • People Category – to distinguish a person’s “connected-ness” to your church (from Visitor/Newcomer/Crowd to Committed/Regular/Member to Core/Leader).
  • Location – to distinguish the Congregation(s) that a person participates in
  • Demographic – to distinguish the age band that a person is in

These fields allow the GHC tools to provide better analytics and insights through filtering.

The Location and Demographics fields should be completed in all People profiles, or at least for those of Members. It is also helpful to keep People Category settings current, in particular updating Newcomers who progress to Members.

Incomplete and out-of-date data can be identified through customised reporting in your ChMS. Details on this are provided below.

To provide an overview of your current status and help you plan the task of improving your Data Quality, a specific page has been included in the GHC Toolkit (under the Extras page group).

  • Summary Ratios provide a quick measure of the state of your data. Values below 50% for Quality Ratio or 70% for Member Ratio may impact the analytics that GHC tools provide).
  • Bar charts help you identify which areas need most attention (by Category, Group or Department). Clicking on a chart bar will filter the lists of people.
  • Lists show which specific people have incomplete data. Clicking their name will take you to their profile in your ChMS and allow you to update it.

It is common to initially need to update many People which can be time-consuming to do individually. The following Advanced Searches will provide a list of people who can be updated in bulk using Mass Manage.

Location is empty
Demographic is empty