Add On

Song Health – Elvanto Addon

People in Steps Dashboard

The Song Health Add-on provides Music Ministry Leaders with insights into how recent songs align with a healthy music ministry. It assumes that services are planned in the ChMS and with songs included that have CCLI and copyright information available.

Services over the past 3 months are analysed (the period is adjustable) for all service types (this can be filtered) to extract characteristics of the songs included. Key measures are derived to show the variety of songs selected, how recently they have been added and how recently they have been published.

  • song variety – whether a few songs are sung over and over, or many different songs are sung – calculated as the number of different songs sung as a percentage of all songs sung – 0% is the same song sung every time, 100% is a different song every time – no song sung twice
  • song recency – whether the songs sung were added recently or not – calculated as the percentage of songs sung that were added to the ChMS in the past 3 years – 0% means all songs sung were added more than 3 years ago, 100% is all songs sung added in the past 3 years
  • song currency – whether songs were published recently or a long time ago – calculated as the percentage of songs sung that were published (copyright date) in the past 10 years – 0% means all songs sung had a copyright date earlier than 10 years ago, 100% is all song sung were published in the past 10 years

Leaders of Churches and Music Ministry are encouraged to consider where they might seek their songs to be positioned for each service type, balancing variety with favourites, newer with well-known, traditional with contemporary.